Kingdoms of the Air - 1
- KINGDOMS OF THE AIR, 1 - A black ink and black color pencil drawing on an 11 x 14 size coquille board. It appears in "Weird Tales, Sum.1988," story by Tanith Lee.
Learning to draw realistically requires understanding that you can only see things because they are revealed to you by some source of light. So step number one involves seeing three dimensional objects in the form of light, and shadow, and reflected light.
In this drawing, the moon is the direct source of light and the halo at the bottom is the light reflected from the rocky landscape. Everything you see in the picture is revealed to you by how I used those two sources of light.
Once there was nothing . . . then the Creator cried out, "LET THERE BE LIGHT!" and the creation of the universe began! With a BIG bang!
Which is how I do it! . . . On the drawing table before me there is a blank piece of paper with "Nothing" on it. I reach for the light switch . . . AND THERE IS LIGHT! I pick up my pencil and the creation of a drawing begins! . . . alas, with not quite as big a bang.
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